Details of Forwarding: e-mail & frame forwarding

Product Name: e-mail & frame forwarding
Forwarding Type: e-mail & frame
Redemption Period: 3 days after deletion/expiration date
Last Cancellation Date: at expiration date
Date of Last Renewal: 30 days after expiration date
Offer For: customer
  • Redirects your domain/hostname to a defined target URL in a frameset.
    Your domain name does not change in the address bar of the browser.
    Please note, that some target websites (Google, Facebook) do not allow frame forwarding.
  • You also have the option whether or not the path information should be used for the redirection as well.
    (e.g. ->
  • You can specify meta data for search engines for your domain/hostname.
    (title of the site, site description and keywords, under which you would like to be ranked by search engines)
    Please note, that meta data can only be set once for a website.
  • Redirects all e-mails of your domain/hostname to an e-mail address of your choice.

product prices

Prices include 0% VAT.

Type Quantity Price
1 year €0.00
onetime €0.00
onetime €0.00
1 year €0.00
change forwarding
onetime €0.00
upgrade to package
onetime €0.00
onetime €0.00
change status
onetime €0.00

Prices include 0% VAT.

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